Sub System Integration

Sub System Integration

PSK is the leading source for systems integrated with RF, Fiber-Optic, Command and Control for: up & down links, RF communication networks, RF signal switching and distribution.  PSK can design and implement the overall system including: system infrastructure, end to end system installation, wiring, as well as system assembly, integration and end to end testing

We are absolutely committed to our customers s to provide unique and tailor made solutions to our diverse clients in Israel and abroad.

The overall PSK activity is done in uncompromised quality, perfect  time schedule and very cost-effective

PSK relevant experience:

  • Data Link & Satcomm  Terminals
  • RF and Fiber Optic integrated systems
  • Antenna Test Ranges
  • Communication Networks
  • Telecommunication Terminals

Key Advantages

Key Advantages

Telemetry Services
Telemetry & Radar Stations
Human Resource
Activation of systems participating in the experiment. Sub- system integration

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